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EU - PACT-RMOA Substances

Public Activities Coordination Tool for Risk Management Option Analysis

ECHA's website gives advance notice on the substances being considered by authorities for regulatory...

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ECHA's website gives advance notice on the substances being considered by authorities for regulatory risk management, together with the routes that are being considered. The routes are for example harmonised classification and labelling, authorisation or restriction. The information is useful for many stakeholders, including manufacturers and importers of chemicals, downstream users and civil society.

The public activities coordination tool (PACT) provides an overview of the substance-specific activities that authorities are working on under REACH and the CLP Regulation. These activities are being carried out in line with ECHA’s Integrated Regulatory Strategy.

PACT provides up-to-date information on the activities planned, ongoing or completed by ECHA and/or MSCAs for a given substance in the following areas:

  • Data generation and assessment – dossier evaluation, substance evaluation, informal hazard assessment (PBT/vPvB/ED).
  • Regulatory management option analysis (RMOA).
  • Regulatory risk management – harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) , SVHC identification, restriction.

*Pharos only automatically include chemicals with CASRN on this list. Chemicals without CAS are screened, assigned one if available, and then added to this list.

Hazards for Hazard List
Endpoint Hazard Rating and Description GREENSCREEN® HPD C2C
Restricted List
Restricted List: Potential concern hazard
Substances selected for RMOA or hazard assessment

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